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My Journey.

For as long as I can remember I have always been fascinated with the Earth. I’ve always felt so drawn to her. Way before I understood what crystals were, I thought they had magic and light captured inside them. As a little girl I was always surrounded by animals and would often fill my days spending time talking to the plants in my grandfather's garden and with our pet chickens. I have always felt like an old soul, and have always heard the conversations of the water and winds. I was visited regularly visited by spirits, which at a young age didn't phase me. 


When I was at school I struggled with the concept of life, and what the meaning of us being here if it was just to be told what to do and how to do it. I was confused seeing people so unhappy, tired, anxious and drained.... but that seemed to be the 'normal' that was around me. I have always managed to smile and stay 'happy', however my soul seemed trapped and confused. 

During my early adult life, I had taken the path and mindset of working hard in a corporate job to be seen as “successful”. This caused me to disregard my spiritual self, almost all together.  I was overworked, under valued, super stressed and constantly felt the pressures of being a manager. The universe tried to warn me a few times, however I simply ignored and worked even harder…. Until I was riddled with anxiety and my mental health was at an all-time low. I suffered a major break down which had me unable to talk or think straight for months. My menstrual cycle had gone out the window and I had gained 20kg in a matter of months. I was extremely disconnected from my true self. 


Ebony holding a shell with white sage.

A deep knowing had me reaching for the comfort and support of the Earth, crystals, meditations, and herbs. I started to incorporate the remembrance which my younger self had done intuitively. I would meditate with the Earth and my crystals every single day, and each day I would feel more connected, lighter and the joy came flooding in. My mind cleared, my soul knew that this is what I am meant to do.


With the help of my friend and spiritual teacher Ourania, I was able to put all the pieces back together and rebuild what was there all along, patiently waiting for me to wake up and accept. My spiritual awakening had shaken me and empowered me, so much so I have never felt so “at home” and at peace.

I quit my job and Moon Aura Healing was born.

I am so excited for this amazing journey and can’t wait to share it with you!

Light & Happiness,

Ebony. x

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