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"Bhuma" - Diopside


Bhuma is a name that resonates with depth, earthiness, and a strong connection to the natural world. Derived from Sanskrit, Bhuma means "earth" or "ground." This name carries a profound sense of rootedness, stability, and a reverence for the planet we call home.




“The Emerald of Inner Growth”


Colour- Green

Chakras- Heart


♥ Heart Activation

♥ Emotional Healing 

♥ Nature Wisdom

♥ Balance


Diopside, with its rich green hues, is a crystal that resonates with the vibrant energies of growth, transformation, and inner exploration. Often referred to as the "Stone of Renewal," Diopside holds the wisdom of the natural world, inspiring personal growth and healing.


Just as plants reach for the sun and grow, Diopside embodies the energy of expansion and personal development. It encourages you to step out of your comfort zone and embrace the opportunities that lead to growth.


Diopside's energy resonates with the Heart Chakra, making it a valuable tool for emotional healing and self-love. It also aids in opening and activating the higher chakras, enhancing your spiritual journey and connection to higher realms.


WEIGHT- 955g
SIZE- 13cm x 6.5cm x 4.5cm


All crystals are energetically cleared and charged with light energy and cleansing herbs before sent to you with love 


The crystal shown in the picture is the crystal you shall receive. We try our best to capture the true essences of the crystal- no filters have been used. 


Our crystals are sourced ethically, and we foster a close relationship with our foragers, ensuring the well-being of both nature and the communities involved. With each crystal, you receive not only its extraordinary energy but also the warmth of a compassionate journey from the earth to your hands. 🌍💚

"Bhuma" - Diopside

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