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"Nirmana"- Red Heulandite, Stilbite, Calcite on Chalcedony


The name Nirmana encapsulates a spirit of boundless creativity and a thirst for knowledge. One is destined to shape and illuminate the paths they tread.


Red Heulandite


“Essence of life force"


Colour- Redish

Chakras- Root and Heart


♥ Vitality and Energy

♥ Creative Inspiration

♥ Intuition Enhancement

♥ Grounding and Protection

Fearlessness in Change


Red Heulandite is a captivating crystal with powerful metaphysical properties that resonate with the fiery energy of passion, vitality, and transformation. Its striking crimson hue reflects the essence of life force and invigorates the spirit, infusing the soul with renewed vigor and enthusiasm.


It acts as a reservoir of energy, revitalizing the mind, body, and spirit, and motivating one to overcome obstacles and pursue their goals with unwavering determination.


Red Heulandite is also grounding, keeping one firmly rooted to the Earth's energy. It acts as a protective shield, dispelling negative energies and promoting a sense of security and stability.



"Soothing the soul"


Colour- Peach

Chakras- Heart, 3rd eye, Crown


♥ Calming

♥ Insomnia

♥ Clarity

♥ Meditation Aid


Stilbite's name comes from the Greek word meaning to shine, which is what this crystal urges us to do. 


This beautiful crystal is aligned with the vibration of Universal Love and can aid in opening the heart. 

It can be a gentle comforter when dealing with loss and grief. 


When meditating, Stilbite can have a calming influence and may help to clear your mind of unconscious clutter, allowing for a clearer state of mind, positive thoughts, peace and clarity. 


Having trouble sleeping? Stilbite may help to quiet the mind and aid sleeping, so having it by your bedside table is prime. 


WEIGHT- 1.998kg
SIZE- 18cm x 11cm x 4cm


All crystals are energetically cleared and charged with light energy and cleansing herbs before sent to you with love


The crystal shown in the picture is the crystal you shall receive. We try our best to capture the true essences of the crystal- no filters have been used. 


Our crystals are sourced ethically, and we foster a close relationship with our foragers, ensuring the well-being of both nature and the communities involved. With each crystal, you receive not only its extraordinary energy but also the warmth of a compassionate journey from the earth to your hands. 🌍💚

"Nirmana"- Red Heulandite, Stilbite, Calcite on Chalcedony

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